Improvement of Traffic Flows on Trans-European Network/TEN Corridors II and IX
As lead firm in an international joint venture DORSCH CONSULT has been retained for the performance of a multi-national and multi-modal action programme for TEN corridors II & IX. The aim of the action plan for the two corridors (road and rail) was to enhance the infrastructure, and hence economic development in the beneficiary states, on the one hand and thereby improve communications between these and neighbouring Western European countries on the other.
The two corridors concerned are:
- Corridor II: Brest - Minsk - Moscow - N. Novgorod
- Corridor IX: St. Petersburg - Moscow - Odessa - Chisinau - Kiev - Minsk - Vilnius
- Masterplanning
- Transportation
EU-Tacis, Brussels (TNREG9703)
From 1999 to 2001
Europe-wide, Russia
Project Activities
- 40 Pre-feasibility studies
- 10 Feasibility studies (incl. border crossings)
- Preliminary design and cost estimate
- Basic environmental analysis
- Socio-economic and traffic forecast
- Traffic assignment
- Economic evaluation
- Implementation programme
- BOT studies
- Overall project appraisal and priority ranking
- Immediate Action Programme
- Long-term investment plan
- Training seminar (HDM-4 etc.).